Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Our #Seminarlyfe: A Memoir from Seminar Nasional Penerjemahan 2017

With nine committees and four volunteers, this translation conference was successfully done from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Ruang Koendjono, Kampus II, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. This conference also successfully gained 102 persons for both presenters and participants. We invited Rahmani Astuti from Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia to give her perspective in translation from a point of view of a practitioner and Harris Hermansyah Setiajid from Universitas Sanata Dharma to give his perspective in translation from a point of view of an academician. 


Stefani (Chair)


Tata and Aulia (Secretaries)

We did have some struggle moments because most of us had never been the committees in this kind of conference. However, we learned together, and we grew up together. I, personally, learned many things during the process. We started from the bottom, from a brand new UKPS named English Letters Academic Club with a help from a brand new community named Jogja Literary Translation Club. We had gone through the processes together both as students and as committees. Finally, at the end of the conference day, we read the evaluation papers which were about the feedbacks from all the presenters and the participants. Surprisingly, most of them, even almost all of them, wrote that they waited for more translation conferences like what we have done. Meanwhile, the committees have decided to organize another translation conference at the year of 2018. Something, however, is going to be different than before. What is that? We’re proudly going to organize an international conference of translation studies. 


Bestari (Refreshments) 


Grace (Master of Ceremony)

Finally, at the end of the day, it is proved that students can manage and organize a national conference well. We’re ready to prepare for our international conference. Last but not least, I can’t wait to see you in our international conference next year! (Stephanie Permata Putri)


Celine and Kesia (Steering Committee)


Obed and Dhira (Venue and Properties)



Sekar, Indri, Indin (Room Managers)


Adi (Photographer)

More pictures can be downloaded here 


