Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Sastra Gives Back: Sahur on the Road

This program was an actualization of Sastra Gives Back’s tagline Ut Accipio Ita Do that we, as a part of the society, should give others because we’ve already been given. Especially in this Ramadhan month, when the Muslims are doing fasting, many of them might not be able to get proper place and food to do the fast but at least we are there for them to make this month a little bit warmer and no matter what religion we believe, sharing is indeed everyone’s duty. Sharing is not only a response of our grateful but it also means our caring and respect to others.

The team first planned the main target of this sharing action and where the locations were. After some discussions, we decided to targeting homeless people, beggars and pedicab drivers especially women and children around Kledokan Street, Solo Avenue and Gejayan Avenue. We started the action by midnight and ended in almost dawn around

Beside sharing the healthy and halal meal boxes to the homeless people and pedicab drivers, we also gave those to some men that earn money from collecting trashes and an old shoes-repairer who were still working till the late hour. It was really a heart-warming experience to see their smiles and gratitude expression when we gave the boxes to them. We once more felt very thankful for our life which was blessed. (Claudia CAA)






