Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

EDS Forging A New Step in AEO 2016

English Debating Society (EDS) Sanata Dharma, a debating club in English Letters Department, turned a new page for their debating development when they snatched the semi-finalist title in Asian English Olympic (AEO) BINUS 2016 in Jakarta last February.

AEO is an English competition held anually by Bina Nusantara University in which several countries in Asia are participating. This year, the countries are such follows; Laos, Hongkong, Malaysia, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Philipine, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. The participants joined many fields of English competitions; scrabble, speech, speling bee, short story writing, news casting, story telling, and debate. Sanata Dharma University joined the debate competition.

The debate team consisted of three people; Tyas Wahyukirana and Ivonne Kezia from 2012 as the debaters and Blandina Moore from 2014 as the adjudicator. In AEO, Tyas Wahyukirana and Ivonne Kezia had to go through six rounds facing opponents from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea. Finally, in breaking announcement, team debate Sanata Dharma became the 8th breaking teams with 12 victory points.

Eventhough their journey stopped in semi-final, they had faced various and diverse teams from all over Asia. This was the first achivement that EDS Sadhar got in semi-international debating competition. The achievement was a stepping stone for EDS Sadhar to enhance their career in international competition—not only stopping in domestic level but also going further in the international debating field.

Tyas Wahyukirana said that EDS Sadhar still needed a long journey to be able to compete with the top teams in international level, however that was not impossible. A step by step process ought to be undergone in order to advance beyond the status quo. Ivonne Kezia added that one of the most valuable experiences was the chance to talk and interact with other debaters across Asia; new knowledge and perspective were attained. Blandina Moore was also grateful to be able to adjudicate disparate speakers with their own distinctive English.

The three of them hoped that the proliferation of debate in Sanata Dharma transcended the previous year. They hoped that this first step invited all students to exercise their critical thinking and be aware of the social issues to create globally competent individual. (tyas)


