Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

NUDC 2015: The Road Worth Taken

In reaching NUDC Pontianak on 20th – 24th August 2015, they had fought series of competitions. It started with the internal competition done in English Letters in which Tyas Wahyukirana and Ivonne Kezia were chosen as debaters and Christopher Tjia as an adjudicator. After that, they underwent the Sanata Dharma University NUDC Internal Competition in Koendjono Room competing with others faculties’ representatives.  Kezia, Tyas, and Tjia passed the internal competition with the same team composition.

On 10th-12th June 2014, team debate USD fought in NUDC Kopertis V in Hotel Griya Persada Kaliurang. Ivonne Kezia and Tyas Wahyukirana snatched the 3rd Runner Up of NUDC Kopertis V and became the co-3rd best speakers. Meanwhile, Christopher Tjia became the 4th breaking adjudicator.

As a result, team debate USD had been rewarded to go to NUDC Pontianak with the other seven teams (UGM, ISI, UNY, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, UAD, STIPRAM, and UKDW) representing Kopertis V. Kezia and Tyas competed for seven rounds in Tanjungpura University, Pontianak and gathered 14 victory points. In the preliminary rounds, they fought in top room twice facing UGM and UI.  Eventually, they became the 11th breaking team.

In elimination rounds, Kezia and Tyas competed with quite strong teams in octo-final. They proceeded to quarter-final facing Padjajaran University, Brawijaya University, and Yogyakarta State University. The motion is THBT China should stop manipulating its currency. They were not successful in making new perspectives as closing opposition team; however they had fought their best. Unfortunately, they had to stop their journey in quarter final for they got the 3rd rank in quarter final.

When Ivonne Kezia, Tyas Wahyukirana, and Christopher Tjia were asked about their feeling of their current achievement since last year USD got the 2nd Runner Up in NUDC Batam 2014, their answers were similar. The three of them represented by Ivonne Kezia said, “Our seniors always remind us that in competition, we should not obsess with the result for the result is uncontrollable. However, we must focus more on the process; what we have achieved and struggled so far. It is always a chance to conquer ourselves and this process shapes the people we have become.” (TW)

The glory was ours

Exhausted, but worth it

