Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Our Town, Our Journey

Besides as an annual agenda, performing a play is also a media for the students to channel their talents in designing, preparing, and a performing a show. Thus, each student had their own role in specific position supporting the performance. Taken for examples, there were groups of students who took care of the setting and lighting; there were groups of students who took care of the budgeting; and there were groups of students who took care of the costume.

There were about two hundred people coming to enjoy the performance. They came from various institutions such as UGM and ISI. Coming as special guests were Drs. Johannes Eka Priyatma, M.Sc., the Rector of Sanata Dharma University and Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum., the Head of English Letters Department. However, what they enjoyed was not only the two hours performance but also the six months journey and hard work.

In preparing the show, the Our Town team had regular rehearsals three times in a week for six months. Not only the casts who came at the rehearsals but also the supporting crews such as the make-up, the music and the costume crew. Both the stage manager and the producer also consistently came to the regular rehearsal to support and to evaluate it.  

The six months struggle had been paid off. A huge applause from the audiences showed how actually they did enjoy and catch the message of the show. Inviting every single human being to think whether or not they realize every little second in their life is what the performance wanted to convey.

Monika Sunarto, a main character acted as Emily in the play shared what she thinks about our town. “Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it every, every minute? – Emily Webb. This is a quote that changes my life. Our town teaches me about love and life” said Monika Sunarto. (LLY)



